Top 10 Freelance Sites | Distance working

       In the past few years, self-employment has become a common option in the labor market that competes with the traditional jobs that require employees to work specific hours of up to 40 hours per week, as self-employment opportunities allow workers flexibility and freedom in performing their work. In fact, about 41.8 million people in the United States work in the field of self-employment or "freelance", which is 11% of the total number of people involved in the labor market. This is according to statistics compiled by Nation 1099 in 2018. As for freelance platforms, they have changed the way professionals conduct their business, and the way companies operate. Through these sites that have become widespread, it has become easier for employers to find the right people to do the work that does not require a permanent commitment. Freelance professionals can also search for suitable opportunities for themselves without committing to work with one person or organization. In the Learn Today article, we gathered for you the 10 best international and Arab freelance sites, with the most important features of each site.

1- SouqFann art market:

This site specifically targets artists, craftsmen and creative talents in various fields, as it allows them to display and sell their distinctive products through the Fann Souq platform, which was established in 2018 to support artists in the Middle East and North Africa region, and help them market their products. The advantages of the site: the ease and comfort at work: the opportunity for craftsmen and artists to devote themselves completely to working on their products, as the work team on the site takes care of advertising and marketing campaigns and even the delivery of products from the seller to the customer. Low cost of marketing: The seller on Souq Fann does not pay any money for marketing his products, unless they are sold, as a very small percentage of the profit is deducted as allowance for marketing, packaging and delivery of the products. The freedom available to sellers: where the seller can set the right price for his products without any interference from the site’s management, and he has the freedom to reduce the prices during the sales seasons or keep them as they are.

2- Fiverr:

This site is a marketplace for services designed to suit the needs of different entrepreneurs. The site is a tool that allows employers to find talented freelancers to do a wide range of short-term businesses and projects. Whether they are looking for designers, writers, marketers, programmers, or any other workers, they will find the most correct features of the site accuracy and customer satisfaction: where the site is characterized by accuracy in the delivery of tasks, and quality that guarantees customer satisfaction, as the Fiverr platform allows employers to evaluate independent individuals, and follow their progress And setting goals for them to achieve by the end of the specified period. It also provides independents with several advantages, such as the ability to evaluate them and present them to promotional lists, among others. Private and secure communication channels: where employers and independent individuals can communicate through the platform's messaging system without fear of fraud or stealing important files and others. The transparency of independent individuals: Fiverr allows employers to view all the personal information of freelancers and learn about their skills and then choose the person they find suitable, and they can also see what other employers have written about this person, which ensures that they choose People who are really qualified to perform the tasks specified above Quality. Safe payment methods: The platform enables employers and freelancers to conduct financial exchanges safely and using various payment methods.

3- Up Work:

This platform is based on the "cloud" system, and is known as the largest gathering of employers and job seekers. This site is ideal for companies of all sizes as well as freelancers with varying skills. One of the most important features of Up Work is the ability to discover fake employers or freelancers, which guarantees the safety of users. The most important features of the site are ease of use: When it comes to self-employment, evaluating candidates may become a difficult process due to the lack of direct communication between the employer and the applicant. Here, Up Work is distinguished by providing online interview services and the ability to set dates for talks between the two parties, which allows employers to choose the ability to evaluate applicants and increases their chances of finding the right person for the job. Channels for communication within the site: Coordination between members of the work team is essential to ensure productivity and continuity of work, and here the site provides the possibility of communication between the employer and the team members through special conversation channels, which facilitates the process of providing feedback to freelancers and sharing files and various documents with them. The ability to track freelancers easily: While employers struggle to track freelancers, especially as they do not need to enter the office to do their work, Upwork provides tools that allow employers to check their employees' work hours. In addition to preparing pre-financing accounts and scheduling bills hourly. Independent Search Engine: Upwork provides a search engine backed by data science and a number of trusted algorithms with the goal of allowing companies to narrow down the long list of potential employees and providing the opportunity for freelancers to efficiently filter jobs that match their skill level.

4- FREELACE website

This site brings together millions of freelancers and employers from more than 247 countries, providing them with a number of basic and advanced tools according to their skills. It is a trusted site that employers and freelancers can testify to its efficiency and excellence. Whether you want to work on projects related to programming, data entry, creative fields or more, you will find what you are looking for on The most important features of the site are the abundance of opportunities available: Through this site, employers can browse a huge number of competencies and skills, and view the personal files of freelancers. All they have to do is publish the project they want to complete and many requests will reach them within a few minutes. For freelancers, they will gain access to a wide range of jobs, businesses and projects that suit their skills. Safe payment methods: The site offers a secure payment system that guarantees the rights of the business owner, who will not pay the required amount except during the complete termination of work. It guarantees the rights of the independent person who receives his wages upon completion of his work. Ease of monitoring workflow: allows its users to follow the progress of work on a specific project by calculating the time spent working on this project, and exchanging information and updates between the employer and freelancers through live chat, at any time and wherever they are. Through the mobile application.

5- PeoplePerHour:

This site is an independent service marketplace that aims to empower professionals around the world to do the work they enjoy. It provides a set of tools to manage various freelance tasks, and the platform is equipped with a set of features such as billing, account management, order review, and more. The most important features of the site are multiple payment options: where users can choose the method of payment that suits them, whether it is monthly payments, one-time payments, or payment in installments. Ensuring the rights of employees: The employer is required to pay part of the agreed amount before the freelancer starts working on the project, and the work is fully completed before the rest of the amount is paid by the employer. Ease of managing personal accounts: PeoplePerHour provides users with the opportunity to manage their accounts and access all the information they need and the necessary tools with great ease and convenience.


With Guru, finding the right people can be easy. As this specially designed platform provides a link between employers and millions of independent individuals the opportunity to find people with appropriate competencies, and to determine whether the employer is looking for individuals from a particular city or country, and the site also facilitates the process of communication between freelancers and employers and coordinating all matters between them starting from Payment agreements and all the way to business documents. The most important features of the site are safe payment methods: The site is characterized by providing secure automatic payment methods, whether the payment is by the hour, monthly, or limited to a specific amount. It also allows you to file an objection and claim re-financing in the event that the full amount is not received. The possibility of advertising for jobs: as the site allows employers to campaign for the jobs they publish, for small amounts, as these jobs are displayed at the top of search pages, which ensures that they are seen by the largest number of freelancers. Ease of project management: The site facilitates project management, assignment assignments and communication between employers and independents, as this is done through a single control panel, enabling employers to share work documents and conduct private or group discussions. It must be noted that there are a number of Arab websites that have started to appear recently and provide self-employment services in various countries of the Arab world, as these sites are characterized by their ease of use and the availability of safe payment methods that guarantee the rights of both the employer and the independent person as well as offering jobs in the Arabic language. This increases the chances of young people who are not fluent in English. Among these sites we mention:

7- Independent Website:

Hsoub's independent platform works to connect companies and project owners in the Arab world with the best independent professionals to ensure the completion of the project to the fullest. The platform fully guarantees the rights of the employer and the independent individual, as the site remains the mediator between the two parties until the work is completely delivered.

8- I want Ureed site:

I want is an online platform for editorial services that connects employers with freelancers in the areas of editing and translation in particular. It seeks to provide a space in which employers can publish any project or task related to language services electronically, view available price offers, and then choose the most qualified and most appropriate applicants to implement these projects. In return, translators and editors will be given the opportunity to see the most important projects available, make offers to implement them, and start working the moment the employer contracts with them.

9- My tasmeemME:

My design is the first network dedicated to promoting and empowering Arab creative talent. It offers full or part-time job opportunities in addition to many self-employment opportunities. The platform offers job opportunities in various design fields that include architecture, graphic design, photography, animation and other art forms.

10- Khamsat Khamsat:

Khamsat is the first Arab market for buying and selling microservices, as the site brings together Arab youth who are ready to provide services, and between categories of buyers willing to buy these services, providing adequate income for Arab youth and distinctive services at an economical price for individuals and emerging companies. This was a list of the top 10 freelance sites in the world and the Arab world, and it is worth noting that there is a wide range of other sites that offer freelance opportunities, some of which are general and include all fields, and some are specialized in specific areas such as design, programming, translation, or others. This provides you with wide options commensurate with your skills and experiences. Share your views on self-employment and tell us about your past experiences in this field through the comments box below.


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